Training Log January 21-27, 2019: 38.5 miles.

Monday – 2.0mi @ 10:26. Super duper easy. Just trying to loosen things up. Everything did, except my knee.
Tuesday – REST DAY!!
Wednesday – 6.4mi @ 9:22. Keeping it easy. Legs surprisingly okay, except the knee. Yoga session.
Thursday – 10.0mi @ 9:23. More easy miles. Knee still tight. Keeping on with post-run ice and ibuprofen.
Friday – OFF RUNNING. Stability session.
Saturday – 12.0mi @ 8:12. Steady effort. Knee tight, but mostly later in the run and after.
Sunday – 8.1mi @ 9:12. Nice and easy. Strength session.
Training Log January 28- February 3, 2019: 54.6 miles.

Monday – 6.3mi @ 9:23. Easy peasy. Legs pretty much back to “normal” except for the knee.
Tuesday – 5.1mi @ 8:32. Started with a steady effort, then pushed for 10 min (7:30), and finished out easy. Knee still nagging. Stability session.
Wednesday – 8.0mi @ 9:19. Keeping it easy.
Thursday – 12.0mi @ 8:37. Pushed 3 hard miles (7:01, 7:10, 7:14) in the middle of a warm up and cool down. Taped knee. That didn’t go well. Knee felt fine, but altered stride so over-worked my calf and hamstring.
Friday – REST DAY!!
Saturday – 13.1mi @ 7:55. Comfortable, steady miles. Knee tightness still there a bit, but getting better! Stability session.
Sunday – 10.1mi @ 8:45. Nice and easy for a #sundayrunday.