Week two of not having a schedule for running. Or any exercise. Or eating. Kind of like during a taper into a race, this “reverse taper” time can be mentally tough. But, in a different way. I initially feel guilty for not running every day. I am an admitted mileage junkie. It takes me a bit to remind myself that it is time to give my body a break. Some much needed, and hard earned, rest. On the other hand, that extra half hour, or hour, sleep every morning gets pretty nice. And, the weather this weekend was prefect. Cool enough to comfortably run in the morning. Warm enough to enjoy the pool in the afternoon. And, I wasn’t too exhausted to do so!
I have spent a good amount of time thinking, planning, my next training cycle. But, I’ll talk more about that once it’s done next week. For now, I’m going to continue to enjoy my break!

Training Log April 23-29, 2018: No plan. 17.7 miles for the week.
Monday – OFF. ~20min yoga-based session.
Tuesday – 4.5mi @8:45. Nice and easy. Touch of remaining something in my right hamstring.
Wednesday – OFF
Thursday – OFF
Friday – OFF
Saturday –8.8mi @ 8:30. I needed this run. Was traveling the past few days and didn’t have time for anything. Felt good to be home and just run. ~10min yoga-based session, 10 leg swings, and 10 BOSU push-ups.
Sunday – 4.4mi @ 8:50. Another beautiful day here for a comfortable little run.
Until next week.